Ten Reasons Why I Love Israel

By Jenna Orvitz Number 1: Food Whether it be shawarma, hummus, Israeli salad, or even ice-cream, the food in Israel is delicious. Number 2: Culture Israeli music, dance, clothing, or art, there is something in Israeli culture that is so special. Number 3: Diversity People from all over the world, different religions, different […]
Israel on Water

By: Eze Diamant According to the Worldwide Wildlife Fund (WWF), “some 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to water, and a total of 2.7 billion find water scarce for at least one month of the year.” Meanwhile, Israel has been innovating and creating with water; irrigation, purification and conservation of water are the cutting edge […]
The Most Intensive Election Ends with Coalitions
By: Ethan Tehranzadeh After one of the most intense elections in Israel’s history, on Tuesday April 9, Israelis decided that they are not ready to move on from Netanyahu and his ideologies just yet. One of the biggest storylines during the campaign was the anticipated amount of seats Likud and Blue and White would get. […]
Israel Connects

By: Kayla Boxenbaum By the time I was seven years old, I had developed a deep connection to the land of Israel and I understood the importance of representing the country and fighting for its existence. I went on an organized trip with my family and our synagogue for two weeks, and in that short […]
Exposure Article:Israel is not an apartheid state

By: Eden Kraft & Shirelle Maged An apartheid state has a government that differentiates between people of different colors, ethnicities, classes or religions, and acts upon this separation. People often claim that Israel is an apartheid state, however this is inaccurate and cannot be proven with objective, factual evidence. The most common claim of […]
My Hasbara Fellowships Experience

By: Avishai Tebeka Throughout my experience in Hasbara Fellowships Canada’s High School Internship program, I have learned many things and met some great people. My experience started at the beginning of the year when I got accepted into being part of the program. After getting accepted, there was a Sunday where we spent about […]
My Experience as a Hasbara High School Intern

My Experience as a Hasbara High School Intern By Jenna Orvitz The Hasbara High School Program is something that I would recommend to any student in high school. Not only did I learn great ways to advocate and stand up for Israel but I also learned real life skills. For example, one part of the […]

By: Rachelle Paskovatyi, Ulpanat Orot Today, I woke up to the shocking news that more than 300 rockets had been fired into Israel. I had heard and seen what was happening last night and I thought it would stop or a couple more rockets would have been fired into Israel – which really if I […]
A Journey of Moments

By: Aaron Raimi, UC Santa Barbara, Hasbara Fellow According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, a moment is defined as “a minute portion or point in time”. In my view, a moment is an experience that transcends time and explanation and etches itself into your brain as a vivid indication of one’s existence. And my journey on Hasbara […]
York University’s Veiled Antisemitism

By Lauren Isaacs, York University, Hasbara Fellow Imagine an institution wherein classic antisemitic language masquerades as anti-zionism and is tolerated and encouraged every single day. Imagine this institution was supposedly an academic place, home to 52,000 people who want to learn, but are bombarded on a daily basis by anti-Jewish prejudice, both overt and clandestine. […]