To Exist as a Jew

by Jess Berdugo, High School Intern


I am afraid

Not of monsters that lurk under my bed

Not of demons that roam in my head

Not of sharks with teeth as sharp as swords

Not of massive giants or minuscule dwarves  


I am afraid to exist, to exist as a Jew

I fear for my life, unsure what to do

My synagogue is gated with guards holding guns

When prayers end my feet start to run  

I no longer feel safe when walking around  

Wearing my Magen-David necklace thinking this is where my body will be found

A 17 year old girl should not fear for her life

I should not be called vermin, a rodent, a dirty kike


So many of us murdered I can’t keep track

What have we done that made you attack?

I can no longer act like I am unfazed by it all

I can’t keep laughing, smiling and having a ball


I go on the internet during my free time

There is so much antisemitism on my timeline  

Pictures of ovens with Jews as recipes

Videos of tattoo artists making mockeries


Chanukah is known as the festival of lights

This year it was 8 nights filled with fights

People punched and people stabbed

I am not only afraid but I am mad


I am mad that we cannot celebrate without fear

That the violence against us worsens every year

There is nowhere that is safe for us to exist

Even our own country is on the danger list

Rockets and missiles rain down from North to South

I look at the news and no words can escape from my mouth


Tears like rivers roll down my cheeks

I cannot contain the voice inside me that yearns to shriek

“Stop killing my people” I want to scream

It feels as though my ears are emitting steam


Never again we say

Pittsburgh, London, Germany, it happens everyday

It happens on Chanukah it happens on Shabbat

Every life lost is a stab to the gut


Was 6 million not enough?

Did no one learn, is it that tough?


I want to feel safe


I want to be in an uber and not fear for my life

I want to be in shul and not think “if they have a gun I need a knife”

I want to be in my home and feel safe within its walls

I want to be in my school and not have lockdown calls


I just want to feel safe without hiding myself, without wearing a mask

But I guess that is too much for a Jew like me to ask


How do I stay positive when my people are dying

How do I stay positive when I always feel like crying

I try so hard to be strong, to be brave

But I fear that one of these days my body will cave


But I will not let it


I will not allow for these haters to win

I will not be a voodoo doll for them to stick a pin

I will continue to learn and I will continue to pray

For my Judaism is here to stay


There will always be hate that I cannot ignore

I may not be able to stop it but it will not break my core

We will stand together to fight for a better fate

Where Jews won’t have to live in fear of an unfair death date


We remember those beautiful souls who were stolen from this earth

Their legacy is honored with every Jewish birth

We will never forget every name that engraves a headstone

We will never forget every life that was lost unknown



Hate will not defeat us, hate will not consume our existence

We will live for those who perished and we know they watch us from a distance

Brothers and sisters, our people are a family

Families stay together no matter the hate or insanity


I am proud to exist, to exist as a Jew

I will live my life with joy even when I am unsure what to do

My synagogue is my sanctuary, it shines brighter than the sun

I dread when the prayers end and the service is done

I must take a few extra precautions when walking around

But I will refuse to let hatred make me house-bound

A 17 year old girl should not fear for her life

That is why we will never stop fighting until everything is right

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