Israel’s Efforts to Combat COVID-19

Israel’s Efforts to Combat COVID-19 (Jordan Frankel, High School Intern)

With the world in crisis over COVID-19 many efforts are being put in to try and slow down this virus and to develop a cure. In this time of need Israel is at the forefront of developing technology that is being used all over the world to combat this challenge.

They have developed a plant based hand washing solution that is 100% effective in killing the virus on your hands. They have also developed a new medical invention called the CoughSync which has the ability to remove phlegm from the patient without having to detach the ventilator. This invention reduces the pain of the victim and lowers risk of exposure for the brave doctors.

Israel is also trying to develop a voice detecting software that will be able to use a sample of your voice to diagnose the coronavirus in asymptomatic people. Israel’s medical service Magen David Adom (MDA) has opened drive through testing stations for more efficient and safer coronavirus tests. Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and Rambam Health Care Campus have found a way to test up to 60 different samples simultaneously. They combine multiple samples in the same test tube and screen them. Even if only one sample is positive for COVID-19, it would be detected.

Israel is sharing its resources with other countries in order to help them combat COVID-19 on their fronts. Israeli company Teva is donating 6 million hydroxychloroquine tablets to United States hospitals for testing for their potential to mitigate symptoms from COVID-19. In addition, Israel is in the process of developing a vaccine that could potentially change the course of the virus’ effects on the world. They are currently testing the vaccine on rodents to make sure that it not only creates antibodies for the virus but also helps to reduce symptoms.

Israel is contributing so much to the fight against COVID-19 and is making a lot of progress to help solve this problem. It’s important to show our support during this time to encourage Israel to keep up its efforts and continue to change the world. With all of us behind Israel, they will persist and beat this challenge!


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