Confronting Anti Semitism through Education and Experience

Discover how the Hasbara Fellows program is empowering Jewish and pro-Israel students to combat antisemitism and discrimination on university campuses. Explore their eye-opening visit to Shilo, an ancient city that challenges the simplistic narratives often portrayed about Israel. Join us as we delve into their experiences and the ongoing mission to fight back against hatred.

In recent years, incidents of anti-Israel sentiment and antisemitism on university campuses have become all too common. This was starkly highlighted by a now-infamous graduation speech given by a New York law student, calling for the boycott of Israel and Jews in the name of fighting “Israeli settler colonialism.” Such events serve as a stark reminder of the urgent need to address and combat antisemitism and discrimination on campuses. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to this pervasive issue, empowering Jewish and pro-Israel students is a crucial step towards fighting back.

Hasbara Fellows: Countering Campus Hatred

While the aforementioned speech took place in North America, Hasbara Fellows from across Canada and the US were actively engaged in countering this type of hatred in Israel. Hasbara fellows participate in a comprehensive program, which includes meetings with Israeli leaders, visits to strategic sites and Israel’s borders, and practical advocacy training from top professionals. By equipping our students with the necessary tools and knowledge, they are better prepared to effectively combat the anti-Israel rhetoric they may encounter on campuses.

Exploring Judea & Samaria: Shilo’s Historical Significance

One of the highlights of the Hasbara Fellows’ experience was their visit to Shilo in the West Bank, also known as Judea and Samaria. Shilo is an ancient city that beautifully illustrates the deep Jewish connection to the land of Israel. While detractors on campus often portray Israel as a foreign occupier, the truth is far more complex. Shilo was, in fact, the first Jewish capital in the Land of Israel over 3,000 years ago, even predating the establishment of Jerusalem. It served as the site of the holy Mishkan (Tabernacle) before the construction of the Holy Temple by King Solomon.

The Power of Shilo’s History: Breaking Simplistic Narratives

The visit to Shilo had a profound impact on the Hasbara Fellows. Amidst their numerous encounters and visits throughout Israel, Shilo’s history alone holds the potential to challenge and disrupt the simplistic narrative often propagated on campuses. By experiencing the ancient Jewish connection to the land firsthand, these students are equipped with a deeper understanding of Israel’s historical roots, enabling them to effectively communicate and share Israel’s story.

Continuing the Mission: Hasbara Fellows’ Ongoing Efforts

While the first Hasbara delegation has returned to North America, a second group remains in Israel for another week, further immersing themselves in the country’s rich culture, history, and advocacy training. Their experiences and insights will undoubtedly contribute to their ability to counter antisemitism and promote a nuanced understanding of Israel upon their return.

The rise of antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment on university campuses demands a proactive response. Empowering Jewish and pro-Israel students to fight back is crucial in countering these harmful narratives. The Hasbara Fellows program stands as a beacon of hope, equipping students with the tools and knowledge they need to effectively advocate for Israel and combat discrimination. By expanding such initiatives and supporting their vital work, we can strive for a future where campuses foster inclusivity, dialogue, and respect for all.

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