Advocacy Training Seminars

Innovative. Engaging. Effective.

Hasbara Fellowships offers professional advocacy training presentations. Our training sessions and workshops are innovative, engaging, free, and proven to be effective.  Below please find a list of available seminars that can be booked upon request.

This seminar outlines the basic principles of effective communication when advocating for Israel. Participants are introduced to universal, engaging messages about Israel, and how to convey these messages effectively, even when facing anti-Israel questions or accusations. Topics include knowing your audience, elements of public relations, and techniques for conveying specific messages.

Training for students and campus allies on the history/origins, strains/types of BDS, and the danger of BDS. This session focuses on working with students and campus partners to help form an effective anti-BDS task-force. Assistance in understanding and developing winning anti-BDS messaging and hands-on assistance with speech writing can also be provided. 

This session focuses on how to strategically engage fellow students on campus through programming and tabling. Participants are introduced to Hasbara Fellowships tabling campaigns that can be used both on-campus and online. 

This session examines the tactics Israel’s detractors use to de-legitimize Israel through public opinion. Topics include: how to determine when anti-Israel discourse crosses the line into antisemitism, how to identify and counter arguments against Israel’s right to exist, and how to combat Israel boycotts.

The session focuses on a quick overview of Israel’s uses of social media and practical lessons to be learned from it, effective branding, messaging, types of content to use, best practices to create original social media content, as well as tools to increase engagement and reach- how to get more people to notice you and your Israel related initiatives.

This session examines what it means to be an active ally through building genuine friendships, networks, and mutual understanding with other communities and campus leaders. Students have the opportunity to build a more inclusive and unified campus environment through their alliances.

This session teaches students the Hasbara Method of building a strong base within their pro-Israel organization. It examines board structure, recruitment, training new members, branding of the campus organization, and much more.

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