One Family’s Safe Haven

By Eli Yissar, #MyJewishIdentity Contest Entry The sun burned down on Abram’s black hat as he walked home from morning prayers. The morning breeze brushed up his beard and payot, making them swish back and forth at the same beat to Abram’s steps crunching on the sidewalk. The walk home wasn’t too far, but already, […]

By Eden Kraft, #MyJewishIdentity Contest Entry One summer morning, a few friends and I kissed our parents goodbye in Toronto’s Pearson Airport and left them for a 6 week trip to Israel, with baggage in our hands and fire in our hearts. We were going home. A few hours into the flight, I decided to […]
Why is Israel a Part of my Jewish Identity?

By Coby Fein, #MyJewishIdentity Contest Entry It was one of those bracing evenings that you only really get in Jerusalem. It wasn’t humid, like the streets of Tel Aviv, and it wasn’t hot, like the beaches of Eilat. The warmth of the afternoon was giving way to a cool, refreshing breeze, as the sun began […]
My Jewish Identity

By Amelia Bertoia-Dixon, #MyJewishIdentity Contest Entry Talking about my jewish identity and relation to Israel has always been different for me. I come from a multi-faith family with divorced parents and that is a huge contrast to most of my Jewish friends. Growing up I went to Hebrew school, from preschool to becoming a confirmant […]
What Does it Mean to be a Jew?

By Lir Yissar Josefsohn, #MyJewishIdentity Contest Entry What does it mean to be a Jew? I light candles on Shabbat and had a bat-mitzvah too. I pray to Hashem and have a Jewish name, But there is something missing, what a shame. In my Canadian house, I have a Mezuzah at every door, And yet […]